Burst - a free stock photo site powered by Shopify!

If you're looking for free stock photo's for your Shopify store (or any website) Shopify have recently launched Burst.

"Burst is a free stock photo site that is powered by Shopify. All the photos on our platform are offered under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license, which means you’re welcome to use the photos for any purpose. We built this site to empower designers, developers, bloggers and entrepreneurs to create stunning websites and marketing campaigns. You can use these pictures for absolutely anything — hero images on your blog or online store, backgrounds for school projects, shots for social media campaigns, client work, and beyond."

Photography is a vital element of any e-commerce website and I'd recommend you take a look at what Burst has to offer. The photography is categorised by industry and theme style, perfect for those home page banners and slide shows.


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021 151 0444


GridAKL Lysaght Building
101 Pakenham Street West
New Zealand